
Team 3 Rulebook (Template Outline)

Everyone Brainstorm positive/negative cards: SUNDAY
Meeting 1:30 on Monday
Achi: Make board (draft)
Kendra: Intro + Objective
Raghu: Components + Setup
Dennis: How to Play + proofread
Yuxiao: Make cards (draft)


Introduction to Theme / Setting A paragraph (maybe more) of flavor text and/or explanation of the game and the time/place/context in which it is set.

Objective of the Game Give it to em’ straight. What are players trying to do to win? Is it collecting the most resources, earning the most Victory Points, or having the most cards in their hand? Boil it down for the players so they understand fundamentally what’s the main objective to the game to win. This should be a short description of the main objective.

Components This section provides descriptions of components and materials in the box. Make sure to include an itemized listing of all the game components and their counts if appropriate. You may want to also include a short description of what they’re used for. Optional but sometimes pictures help too if there are lots of different bits.

Setup Includes how to officially setup the game on a table. This section needs to help players set everything up before they begin playing. Optional but good practice is to also include a picture of a completed setup. Make sure to also include a set of declarative statements such as:

● Shuffle each deck separately
● Deal each player five cards
● Place the remaining cards face down in the middle of the table as a draw pile.

How To Play Give a detailed description of how to play the game giving a breakdown of the mechanics. For example, “The Game is played in a series of rounds. During each round, players can do x, y or z.” or “During the game, players take turns drawing a card and playing a card.” Optional but good practice is to include an Example Turn (with illustrations) for players to understand what a full turn may look like. This section may also include strategy tips or clarifications.
Start of a Turn or Round
In games with rounds, you may wish to describe tasks that are necessary at the start of each round.
Player Actions During a Turn or Round
If players have some choice of actions, set out what those actions mean. Give each action its own paragraph.
End of a Turn or Round
What happens at the end of a turn or round? Which direction does play continue?

End of a Turn or Round
What triggers the game’s end? What are the winning conditions of the game? Include tie breaker rules.

Thank the proud people who deserve credit for making the game!
Achala Mishra, Kendra Shu, Raghu Mina, Dennis Zabluda, Yuxiao Wang

● Dark humor game – somebody breaks down from stress
○ Card game/board game
○ snakes and ladders
○ game of life (mental stress)
■ sanity points instead of money (as winning marker)
■ different education track
■ sanity losing events + sanity gaining events
■ cards to steal mental points from other players
■ stress-inducing cards (task cards)
● makes you roll a certain number three times within 5 tries
○ win sanity points
○ lose if don’t roll
● Do we want to have money?
○ leave money out
○ Therapy card – roll a 4 or higher to afford it
● Suicide Mechanic:
sanity points lower then x, trigger the mechanic, roll the dice to decide

Card Suggestions:
● Separate “personality” card deck (quirk card)
○ anger management
○ best friend
○ events during game where you lose or gain a personality card
○ Type of family upbringings?
● Different life stage card
○ highest sanity points card
○ have enough sanity point then move to the next stage
○ early –gain as much joy
○ 2nd – prevent loss
○ 3rd
● Die + rebirth (start the game over)
○ if sanity points get too low roll dice to live
○ Game over when all players die?
● Task cards
○ flip a card with a task to finish.
○ get a bonus after finished.
Money token:
● get money after completing the task
● use money to afford life
friends token:
● get friends token only when you land on friends token spot on board
● give someone with low sanity points a token, they get some points
● player’s choice to give it (lose points to give friends points)
○ shouldn’t be punished
● Party card - friends can join you and get bonus points
● Lose sanity points if other player dies if they are your friend
(in younger stages)

The game:
● Board
○ Guaranteed Style Tiles
■ Random → first card at top of deck
■ Guaranteed Negative → draw cards until red card, discard blue cards drawn
■ Guaranteed Positive
○ Always Random Tiles
■ Draw the first card of the deck
○ Flavor Text Tiles
■ No cards are needed, straight up tell you if you gain or lose sanity
■ ONLY flavor text tiles for teen and eledrly sections
○ Mandatory Tiles
■ Midlife crisis
○ Different Life Sections
■ 15 teen tiles
● 5 blank (nothing happens)
■ 45 adult tiles
● 10 blank
■ 15 elderly tiles
● 5 blank
● Cards
○ Red cards –negative
○ Blue cards –positive
○ 6 personality cards
● Pieces
○ 4-6 players (4 min, 6 max)
● Dice
○ six sided die
● Points Tracker ? Or will this be counted via tokens

Card Events Suggestions:
● Add how many points they will gain/lose
● Color code them based on life stages

Claim 6 positives and 7 negatives


Positive Negative
Therapy Sessions
● roll a 4 or higher to afford it
○ +15 sanity points
Someone Close Dies :(
● -15 points
(Another Player Dies)
● If you gave that player your friend token, -20 points
Win in sporting or school event +5 Job hunting:
● Roll the dice and subtract that number from your sanity points
Making a best friend ( for life that a player can save in later stages of game if needed)
Establish a studio with friends:
roll the dice with the same number with the player has the friends token.
Camping trip to National Park
● Roll even to afford it
○ +10 sanity points

● Roll odd to prevent stressful court
○ -10 sanity points if even
*(if you have *Anger Management, lose extra -2 points
Adopting a pet
+5 sanity points and new pet token
Pet dies
-5 sanity points if you have a pet token
roll the dice more than 3 for 3 times before next step
Quarrel with a best kindergarten friend -5
Getting a job/ Starting a Business
Quarrel with family member -5
Meeting love of life or marriage
Fired from Job/ Losses in business
Buying a car or home or anything else
pay the house loan:
roll the dice
World tour or any other vacation
“Shot through the heart and you’re to blame”
-5 points for being backstabbed by ur bestie :(

Diagnosed with cancer or anything else
(Life threatening disease)
Bonus Check $
● Your boss has decided to give you something extra in your paycheck!
● Roll the dice and add the number to your points. (random)
break up with friends
Falling out
It’s a Party! You’re Invited!
● Gain +5 points
Work Crunch/Upcoming Deadlines
Bring your friends!
● Anyone you gave your friendship token also gains +5 points.

*Trouble Socializing: If you have *Anxiety, lose -2 points

Getting Concert Tickets from Fave Artist +6
Gigantic Bills to Pay -5
You found a lucky penny/pretty flower! :) +1 sanity point
You tripped over a rock :(
Got a paper cut/ some minor inconvenience -1 sanity point
Relaxing Activity:
Take a Walk/Hike
Go to the Park

Roll the dice and add that number to your sanity points
Accidents Happen

Roll the dice and subtract that number from your sanity points
Mental Health Day Take the Day Off! +3
End up in a coma -10 (lose turn)
Meet your idol +5
Favorite tv show gets cancelled -2
Get a compliment from a stranger +2
Get sunburned -1
Free amusement park tickets +5
Get robbed -10
Finding a new Hobby
Car theft -10
Volunteer at a soup kitchen
In debt -10

Doing your taxes / Tax Fraud

Bad Haircut -3

Food poisoning

Getting Fired -10

Game Name Suggestions:
● Sanity Insanity
● Wheel of Fate

Personal Traits Cards

● Kind (+20; +5 bonus sanity points)
● Satisfied (+10; +5 bonus sanity points)
● Ambitious (+ 5; +5 bonus sanity points)
● Patient (+10, 10 negative sanity points reduction)
● Determined (+10, 10 negative sanity points reduction)
● Persistent (+10, 10 negative sanity points reduction)
● Cooperative (+15, +5 sanity points)
● Cheerful (+15; 50% negative sanity points reduction)
● Optimistic (+15, 100% negative sanity points reduction)
● Rude (-15, losing last sanity point bonus)
● Impatient (-10, losing 50% of last sanity point bonus)
● Greedy (-15, repeat last sanity points loss)
● Angry (-15; -5 bonus sanity points)
● Grumpy (-10; -5 bonus sanity points)
● Caustic (-10; -5 bonus sanity points)
● Selfish (-20; 50% bonus sanity points reduction)
● Pessimistic (-15; +5 bonus sanity points)
● Quarrelsome (-20; 50% bonus sanity points reduction)

Sanity Insianity!

Introduction to Theme/ Setting
Sanity Insanity is a Game for Change. It’s goal is to promote a positive attitude and encourage supporting each other through challenging situations. The main theme is the effect of life events and how taxing it can be on our mental health. Our aim is to spread mental health awareness and explore ways of staying sane.

Pitch for players
Life can be mentally draining. With everyday stress piling up, it gets harder and harder to maintain your sanity. Will you be able to finish the game sane and sound?

Objective of the Game
Player who has the most sanity points at the end of the game wins.


1. Life Events Cards (54 cards)
  Life Events cards represent life events that have a positive or negative mental health impact. The board has three life stages: Childhood, Adulthood, and Elderly. Each life event carries positive or negative sanity points, depending on their mental health impact and is used during the Adulthood stage.

2. Personal Traits Cards (18 cards)
  Personal Traits cards represent personal traits that affect our reactions to life events. In the game, traits enhance or mitigate mental health impact by increasing or decreasing sanity points toll of life events. The cards can be used during the game, otherwise they will affect end balance based on their specified value.

3. Friendship Coins (1 of each color, 6 total)
  If two players are friends, the sanity points gained or lost are being modified and both friends are affected.

4. Gameboard

5. 6 Colored Tiles and a Die

6. Point Tracker

● Each player chooses a colored tile
● At the beginning, each player has a balance of 50 mental health points
● Each player takes 3 trait cards at random (Player who will play last turn shuffle and give 3 trait cards to each player)
● Each player rolls a die (Players can decide who will start first)

How to play
The player who rolled the highest value takes the first turn. Play then continues clockwise. During the game, players can start or end friendships. Each player can have only one (best) friend at the time.

Start of a Turn or Round
On your turn, roll a die. Then move your tile the number of spaces rolled.

Player Actions During a Turn or Round
Follow the instructions written on the space you land on
● If you share the space with another player, you can become friends (i.e. exchange your friendship coins) if you both choose to. Each token is worth 5 sanity points. However, if you are about to start a new friendship, you need to break the one you already have. In this case, your existing friend loses 10 sanity points.
● Follow any other instructions (e.g. move back or forth on a specified number of spaces, roll a die again, skip your next turn, move to a specific space etc.)
● If your instruction says so, draw a Life Event card at random. The card describes the event and its impact on your sanity balance.
● Bonus Way to Play:
● (If you have a friend,
○ The negative impact decreases two times and spreads between you and your friend in 2:1 proportion. Alternatively, your friend can break out with you at this point, in which case they will not be able to start any new friendship during this game
○ Both you and your friend get extra 25% of positive sanity points impact
● After your Life Event card has been drawn, you may choose to apply your personal trait card to change the impact on your sanity balance)
End of a Turn or Round
Sanity balances of everybody involved are adjusted and friendships are started or broken.

Sudden Death

The players with 0 sanity points enter Sudden Death. They must roll a four or higher to survive. The player gets 10 sanity bonus points for surviving sudden death. Friends of that player can also donate 5-10 points to that player to save them from Sudden Death. If they fail, they leave the game (they “go nuts”) and go to their next life (go back to the start). Friendship tokens can carry on to the next life (as soulmates).

Midlife Crisis

Everyone must land on this tile. You can not pass this space. If you roll an odd number, you lose -10 points. Otherwise you can proceed.

End of the Game

The game is over when any of the players reaches the Finish space. This player gets 10 sanity bonus points for being first to finish. The winner of the game is the player with the most points!


Achala Mishra, Kendra Shu, Raghu Mina, Dennis Zabluda, Yuxiao Wang